Exams Information
We currently use the following exam boards: AQA, Pearson, OCR, WJEC/Eduqas
If you are not sure which exam board is the right one for your course please ask your teacher or see the Exam boards document below.
JCQ is the ‘umbrella’ body for Exam boards, they publish all the rules around exams, coursework and onscreen tests. Their website is here: https://www.jcq.org.uk/
Please download and read the Information for Candidates documents issued by the JCQ, which are attached below.
Please read carefully the documents below about your summer examinations.
The summer exams timetable for 2025 is available to download below. This is accurate as of 24 October 2024. Any changes will be updated on the website.
Exam Expectations
Parents and Carers should ensure:
- Pupils have 100% attendance during exam periods.
- Pupils arrive to school punctually and have the necessary equipment for their examinations (including a scientific calculator for Maths and Science exams).
- Pupils are engaged in revision for the examinations at home in addition to the extensive extra-curricular offer that is in place to support them at school.
How parents/carers can help:
- Ensure pupils have a quiet place to study
- Help pupils to plan their time, use a weekly revision timetable
- Ensure they are continually going through and making new notes from revision guides and other accredited sources
- Set targets and offer small rewards
- Encourage pupils to focus on their weaknesses
- Ensure they attend the after school enrichment sessions
- Ensure they are using Sparx and GCSEPod regularly
- Get in touch if you have any questions or need any advice