Home Learning

Online Platforms

Maths – Sparx

English, Science, History &Geography – GCSEpod

Languages – Languagenut


In the Modern Languages department we use Languagenut for both homework and structured revision.

With Languagenut, learners are able to reinforce what they have learned in their French and German lessons using all four skills – listening, speaking, reading and writing. They are also able to practise the phonics of French and German, enabling them to become more confident speakers. Learners find Languagenut a fun and engaging way to reinforce their learning.

English, Science, History and Geography

GCSEPod podcasts are designed for mobile devices, so it’s like carrying a huge pile of textbooks and revision guides around with you everywhere.

Its like an online Knowledge Organiser!

Have an expert read and explain everything for you clearly and precisely with all the right facts, quotes, keywords, dates and annotated diagrams on screen. You won’t need to use it for long before you feel the impact.  Consistent use in short chunks is proven to support achievement.

Your teacher may create an assignment which will include a playlist of podcasts for you to watch and some questions for you to answer, or you can choose your own pods focussing on areas you know you need to improve.

After watching a Pod you must complete a retrieval activity in your book to help you memorise that information.


What is it?

Learning is the acquisition of knowledge or skills through study, experience or being taught.

Retrieval is all about being able to recall specific information as an when required. Having the power of knowledge ready when you need it gives you the confidence and ability to unlock higher order skills such as analysis, evaluation,  synthesis and problem solve solving.

How to get better at it?

Improved knowledge retention comes from practise. Repeated retrieval of information itself makes this information more retrievable to you.

Its all about making your brain process and recall any information you’ve looked at, it is not about copying!

Aim to read and process any information you’re given. Then after a short break, cover it up and then complete a task in your practise book to recall that information. Then check to see if you missed anything and add this in after. Each time aiming to be able to recall more.

Your knowledge organiser is a collection of all the key knowledge essential to making progress in each of your subjects. Your job is to learn this information in your organiser. The more you know the better you will be at using it, applying it, analysing it and solving problems with it in your lessons.

Knowledge Organiser

YEARS 7, 8 & 9

Every student will be issued with a Knowledge Organiser every term  and home learning book each half term. You should use them to complete 20 minutes a day of retrieval practice.

Students will also be quizzed on key aspects of their knowledge organiser in lessons and around the academy.

Teachers may specify certain parts to learn at particular times and may set additional home learning tasks to go along side this.

YEARS 10 & 11

In some subjects, students will also be given a knowledge organiser at KS4 and be quizzed regularly. This is at the discretion of the teacher dependent on whether they decide it is beneficial in the lead up to their GCSE’s. All students in KS4 are also given half termly home learning booklets.